About the team
The research group behind RECapp is called Surgical Care Science and is based at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. The group is led by Professor Pernilla Lagergren.
Marta Lason
Project manager and bio entrepreneur. Leads the work with the development of RECapp.

Lena Marter
Project coordinator. Leads the work with the planned clinical trial and registration of RECapp as a medical device.

Pernilla Lagergren
Registered nurse and professor of surgical care science. Research group leader and principal investigator.

Kalle Mälberg
Research nurse and PhD student. Leads the work with RECapp's content.

Kenneth Färnqvist
Physiotherapist and PhD student. Leads the work with self-care advice in RECapp.

Sophie Johnson

Asif Johar
Senior biostatistician. Responsible for the RECapp database and the statistical development of RECapp's actions on patients' assessments.

Anna Schandl
Registered nurse and docent. Working on prediction models for RECapp.
Lars Arnberg
Professor emeritus and affiliated researcher in the group. Patient research partner with experience in oesophageal cancer.

Mikolaj Mlynczak
Backend Developer.
Pether Wiklander
Frontend Developer.

Michael Soderman
Frontend Developer.

Surgical Care Science Research Partner Group
Consists of former patients treated for oesophageal or gastric cancer and relatives. Read more here .